Cool Applications
Theshadowbook is an other version of the smackbook its less aggressive. using the ambi-ent light sensor on you mac it will switch between virtue desktops. check the youtube video for a demo of it. press the setup button to be redirected to a page that will teach you how to set it up.
Smack book this is another cool application that uses your Macs SMS (sudden motion sensor). When ever you smack or hit you Mac It will switch between virtual desktops. I have read that in the long-term it can damage you Macs Hard drive. But its fun especially when you are walking around the office hitting you Macbook or Macbook pro. You will need a couple of thing to get the Smack book. click on the setup button to learn how to setup smackbook
Sudden motion sensor games
Sudden motion sensor games are cool fun little game that you fiscally useyour mac to move the object or play the game there are a number of different games and apps. Check out the youtube video demonstrating my favorite ones. I recommend you downloading Them. Note the SMS games and apps will only work with the newer macs witch have a sudden motion sensor.